Photographic Design


I. Wunder Photographics is the best equipt Inkjet studio in the area and can produce just about anything you can visualize. We have the finist Aquis pigment printer for fine art printing and the best in its class solvvent printer for vynals, poly, and outdoor work, five feet wide by however long. Additionally we can do direct printing with the newest in technology to print on thick substrates and natural fabrics.

Some of the substrates we have printed on for our clients include:

Photographs - Canvass - Rag/ Fiber Vinal - Wallpapers - Fabrics - Poly Metal - Plexiglass - Wood

 Display Options

With the advant of the new digital technologies we can now offer printing on many different surfaces and substrates to fit any kind of environment. We can mount these images on an arrray of materials and mix the materials to make unique art pieces for your clients. From classic framing in wood or metal to canvass and metal mounts, we can do it all and its all done on premiss.

We have a wide array of origanal work of artists ready for inclusion in your project. Look at our gallery to check  out our artists.

Some display options are:

Framing - Canvass stretching

Metal Floats - Plexiglass -

Wraps - Skrolls - Wallpapers

New    One-Way Display

New   TV Framing




We can help you with any facet of the projects installtion. If you need a painter or wall paper hanger we can provide you with one, or a electrician or carpenter, we can recommend one too.We can come and hang the work or you can have your own people do it. Whatever you need to finish your interior oer exterior desgn job, we can help.

We have a full wood woring shop and can fabricate many desgn elements that can include lighting, carpentry, electrisity, and even plumbing. W are highly experienced with all types of walls and construction tecchniques and therefore can advise what the best methods of installation.


